tender for tender for provision of license to run modular catering stall at gmu general haripal pf 1 of howrahdivision for a period of five years the indicative license fee unit rate mentioned for 1st year excluding goods services tax gst the offer price
tender for tender for provision of license to run modular catering stall smu scheduled caste sc ladies at ballystation pf 4 of howrah division for a period of five years the indicative license fee unit rate mentioned for 1styear excluding goods services
Sengupta, Panchali. 2024. "Can Precision Agriculture Be the Future of Indian Farming?—A Case Study across the South-24 Parganas District of West Bengal, India"Biology and Life Sciences Forum30, no. 1: 3. https://doi.org/10.3390/IOCAG2023-16680 ...