West Bengal ITI Merit List 2025 will be released for every exam participated candidates throughonline modeonly. Candidates are advised to keep checking our articles as we will upload the complete updates on WB ITI 2025 Admission process along with the direct link to access the Application Form, R...
The key condition to be eligible for WB scholarship is that one should be a permanent resident of West Bengal state or be a domicile of the state. Besides this, there are several other criteria too that one needs to follow concerning one’s academic qualification, academic merit, financial ne...
West Bengal MBBS/ BDS Admission 2025 Candidates are advised to read carefully all the eligibility criteria which are mentioned below and then appear in the NEET 2025 examination. If any candidate will find to be ineligible, their candidature will be cancelled and they will not be allotted the se...
Candidate’s Photograph, signature and more.FAQs on West Bengal Police Constable Prelims Admit Card 2023The following are some of the frequently asked questions on WB Police Constable Prelims hall ticket:Q: When will the authorities release the WB Police Constable Prelims admit card? Ans: Based on...
West Bengal Career Portal Login Class 9th to 12th students can login to their career dashboard by entering Student ID and password (123456). Here is the direct link to access West Bengal Career Portal –https://wbcareerportal.in/. The page where a candidate can make login by entering the...
Shyambazar Law College is one among the most preferred & top law school in West Bengal which provides 5 Years Full Time B.A. LL.B. Course affiliated to the University of Calcutta. Admission Open for B.A. LL.B. 2018-2019 for 5 Years Full Time Course
West Bengal Shops & Commercial Establishment Act, 1963 Renewal of registration certificate Form D List of documents required for renewal of registration Exemptions for the Act Compliance for the Act Key takeaways Try Deskera for your Business
beings. Institute has a training and placement cell which imparts effective training and co-ordinates the placement of students through involvement of leading consultants like NICCO VENTURES LIMITED one of the largest consultant in West Bengal to bridge the gap between academic institution and industry...
Continued appeasement of Muslims by Congress and CPIM has brought the situation to such a pass that even Saraswati Puja can't be organized in a Bengal School. Those who don;t know, Goddess Saraswati is revered very much in Bengal and its puja is organized in EVERY school of Bengal, ...