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Sunderban Tiger Reserve is one amongst the initial nine Tiger Reserves constituted at the time of inception of the Project Tiger scheme in the year 1973. Apart from a small area in 24 Parganas (North) it is largely situated within 24 Parganas (South) districts of W. Bengal lying at the ...
sweeping, cleaning, removal of garbage, spreading of bleaching powder and maintenance of the existing underground sewers and disposal daily garbage for the existing vats and removing the same as per kmc rules twice in a day through 8 no. of labours and 1 Download Tender Document / BOQ You ...
Right to Education rulesState of West BengaleducationStarting from the premise that education is imperative for everyone, one faces the obvious challenge of investigating, determining and reviewing the means to seJasmine JosephDaniel MathewSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Introduction Germany and 'the West' The Vagaries of a Modern Relationship http-equiv="content-type"
Govt.of West Bengal, Writers’Building, KOLKATA 700001 Sub : Tender Form for Enlistment of Private Security Agencies and Agencies for House-keeping staff as per Advertisement___dated___in___. Ref : Tender Notice No.ADV(S6W)/T/PSG/288 dated 08.04.2009. Dear Sir, With reference to your...
Temporary herding camps (mukaiyem) also occur in the region (Figure9). While only Qataris can apply for a licence to establish such camps,5those living at them are overwhelmingly (if not exclusively) non-Qataris such as Sudanese, Bengalis and Nepalis, who herd the stock kept there (Figu...