第一步 WES官网注册及认证申请,获得Reference Number 1. 登陆WES官网:https://www.wes.org。选择United States,点击右上角Get an Evaluation注册账号。 2. 申请美国大学,请选择U.S.进入下一步。 3. 填写邮箱地址,WES会把验证码发到邮箱,填好验证码就可以开始创建账号。 4. 创建账号后,需要...
4. 申请美国大学,请选择U.S.进入下一步。 5. 进入Create Account页面,根据要求填写信息,标*的为必填项,是否有Reference Number选择“NO”,是否接收WES消息选择“YES”。 6. 评估目的选择Education,接着选择你要申请的美国大学学位。 7. 添加文凭信息,根据个人实际情况如实填写,有多个学位的需要添加所有学位。 8....
6:完成並取得Reference Number 付款完成後就完成線上申請了,系統會給你一組Reference Number,接下來就是要將要認證的文件寄給WES。 7:寄出資料 WES有規定畢業證明書跟成績單是要官方彌封後寄出,記得向母校申請資料時要選擇彌封喔! 寄送方式可以選擇用郵局寄或是用快遞寄(如Fedex、DHL、UPS等),不論用哪種方式,記...
这个Reference Number非常非常重要。 和WES联系/向WES邮寄学位证毕业证复印件/向WES发送学信网认证等等都需要这个号码。 好了,拿到Ref #之后,我们就可以开始进行学信网的认证了。 学信网认证 我们先看看申请流程。 点击链接进入这个界面,进入“网上申请系统”。 https://www.chsi.com.cn/en/help/howtoapply_wes.j...
xGen™ NGS for whole exome sequencing includes offerings for both routine and difficult samples—designed to minimize efforts while maintaining key data metrics and positioning your research for limitless potential. xGen™ NGS—made limitless.
在WES网站上提交认证申请,获得Reference Number (非常重要); 需要将材料盖章密封,封口加上骑缝章邮寄给WES; 下载WES官网上的表单并填写好; 信封上需要写上Reference Number,不写的话WES是不接收的,也会影响WES后续工作; 好啦,本文就介绍到这里。各位还等什么?赶紧去做成绩认证啊!当然,如果你有任何疑问,欢迎在后台...
UM2041 User manual How to use the STEVAL-WESU1 Introduction The STEVAL-WESU1 system reference design represents a highly efficient and effective solution for precise motion sensing in wearable applications. The system embeds a low power ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller unit (STM32L151VE), an iNEMO ...
User Accounts This section describes how to create a new user account and user profile Creating a New User Account CAUTION: Make sure to disable the write filter cache during the boot session in which a new account is created. Remember to enable the write filter after saving all of the ...
typeof 0 evaluates to the string "number" and therefore typeof "number" evaluates to "string". Good to hear Additional Links MDN docs for typeof ⬆ Back to top How do you clone an object in JavaScript? View answer Using the object spread operator ..., the object's own enumerable...
It'd be interesting to see how JSDoc plays into a lot of this. Not sure what tests you want, but quick info and signature help on these examples might be useful. /** * @param args {[a: string, b: number]} the params */ function foo(...args) { let [a, b] = args; } fo...