4月8日,Jazz Pharmaceuticals $爵士制药(JAZZ)$ 获得了 Werewolf Therapeutics 在研药物 WTX-613的独家权益。Werewolf将 支付 1500 万美元的预付款,总价值近 13 亿美元的交易,获得其第一个免疫肿瘤学项目。两家公司指出,WTX-613 是一种工程化的 IFN⍺2b 细胞因子前药,在肿瘤微环境中被特...查看全文 1 2 ...
In April 2022, Jazz Pharmaceuticals (Jazz) and Werewolf entered into a collaboration and license agreement under which Werewolf granted Jazz certain licenses to develop and commercialize WTX-613 (now known as JZP898), an Interferon alpha (IFNα) molecule. During the se...
2022年4月7日,Jazz Pharmaceuticals(简称“Jazz”)和Werewolf Therapeutics(简称“Werewolf”)共同宣布,两家公司已签署一项许可协议。根据该协议,Jazz 将获得Werewolf研究药物 WTX-613 的独家全球开发和商业化权利,这是一种差异化的、有条件激活的干扰素 α (IFNα)分子。根据交易条款,Jazz 将向 Werewolf 支付1500万美...
compared to $3.8 million for the same period in 2020. The increase in research and development expenses was primarily due to increased manufacturing, contract research organization, and personnel expenses incurred to advance the Company’s product candidates WTX-124, WTX-330 and WT...