Here’s a tip: Want to make sure you’re using was and were correctly in your writing? Grammarly can check your spelling and save you from grammar and punctuation mistakes. It even proofreads your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write. Is it “If I were” or “If ...
Was vs Were: Final Thoughts How to Use Was vs Were Correctly: Grammar Rules Explained Whenever you’re using a plural pronoun, such as we or they, you should always use the word were. The same is true for the pronoun you, whether it’s singular or plural. When you’re writing first...
While some of our articles focus on minor grammar points or innocent, common mistakes, here we want to tackle a bigger issue. Some people may struggle with the difference between was and were. Because these are both frequent words that might be used throughout the day, understanding how and...
I am having trouble understanding the grammar structure of the following sentence: He was done eating. My problem is trying to explain why the passive form is followed by an ing form. I do not know the name of this structure. Can anyone explain why? I'm looking for the grammar r...
Grammar Workshop TeacherResourcesWords We Confuse >> Was vs. Were Examples Was vs. Were Was The past tense of 'to be' Describes a single person, place, or thing example: He was smart.Were The past tense of 'to be' Describes 2 or more people, places, or things example: We were smar...
Grammar Beginners ESL For Kids Reading Skills Major Exams Writing & VocabWas or Were Exercise 1Subject Explanations: Verb "To Be" Present Tense Verb "To Be" Past Tense Simple Past Tense Subject Exercises: Was or Were Exercises 1 - Was vs Were Exercises 2 - Am Is Are Was Were Exercises...
一般过去时 was were 相关习题和答案内容在微信公众号:海里的椰子。知识分享官 知识 校园学习 英语 经验分享 英语学习 打卡挑战 必剪创作 Addy老师 发消息 充电 关注9025 英语语法 1/39 创建者:裴牛牛 收藏 一般过去时 was were 1.4万播放 一般过去时 动词 变化规则 口诀 习题 1.7万播放 一般过去时讲解 ...
一般过去时 was were 相关习题和答案内容在微信公众号:海里的椰子。知识分享官 知识 校园学习 英语 经验分享 英语学习 打卡挑战 必剪创作 Addy老师 发消息 充电 关注9025 英语语法 1/39 创建者:裴牛牛 收藏 一般过去时 was were 1.4万播放 一般过去时 动词 变化规则 口诀 习题 1.7万播放 一般过去时讲解 ...
Many times we encounter situations where we fall short of correct words. For example, we know where to use was and were in general, but if we are to use them with specific phrases, it might get confusing. In this article, let us explore this
I. was. were. in the museum. Use of was & were / English Grammar/was &were in sentences 23 related questions found Are and were difference? Since 'are' is in the present tense, it must be used to denote an action that is being done in the present. Its counterpart, 'were', is ...