During the Middle Ages, there were three basic classes in society: the nobility, the clergy and the peasants. The system by which most of medieval functioned under was called feudalism. Answer and Explanation: The nobles and the clergy were both privileged classes in medieval European socie...
What kind of shops were there in medieval times? What did children do in medieval times? What were medieval houses made out of? What was life like in medieval Europe? Where were towns in medieval Europe often located and why? How can the Medieval Era be best described?
Medieval castles were defended by these ways; Moat or Ditch- Attackers had to first cross the moat in order to get into the castle. But not all... Learn more about this topic: Middle-Age Castles | History, Building Materials & Evolution ...
it served as the capital of the medieval Nubian kingdom of Makuria and grew to include palaces, houses, and Christian churches. It was a major stop on the Darb al-Arba’in (Forty Days Road) that thousands of camel caravans followed, transporting ivory and slaves between the Sudanese town ...
The British, with the "Modern" Germans, were the originators of revisionist history. It was they who first began to write Blacks out of history after the “Race/Religious Wars" of the late medieval. Now look, the British will soon start teaching their children the truth: that Blacks were ...
What were medieval houses made out of? Medieval Age: The medieval age actually extended for about 1,000 years, from 475 AD to between 1400-1500 AD in Europe. Because of this, there are differences between the early medieval period and the later medieval period. ...
What was life like in medieval London? What were the characteristics of a medieval manor? What did medieval nobles do for entertainment? How were medieval European manor houses used? What was the basic layout of medieval villages across Europe?