The early-English enslaved Irish Catholics; the Moors enslaved the Spanish before the Spanish enslaved the Moors and Cubans; the Ottomans enslaved the Balkans and Turks; the Egyptians enslaved the Jews; the Greeks and Romans enslaved seemingly everyone. While people think of slavery as...
Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.Romans 11:1I ask then, did God reject His people? Certainly not! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin.Philippians 3:5circumcised on the eighth day, of the people...
they show that there were indeed jews and Christians, not that any of their beliefs are true. That manuscripts are consistent doesns’t mean they are true either. If that were the case, the qu’ran is more consistent than your bible and that would mean it’s the true faith. ...
Jesus seemed to be of royal blood, and hence was crowned King of the Jews. The inference from these sparse facts is that Jesus was of both Egyptian and Persian royal blood, but that he was exiled to Judaea in about 4 AD. This may seem like an i...
How many people died in the slave rebellion of 1791? How many US presidents owned slaves? How many whites died in the Stono Rebellion? What percent of Red Guards in China were factory workers? What percentage of Jews died in the Holocaust? What percentage of indentures servants actually got...