Jews in Europe suffered major persecutions, such as: Black Death persecution, 1348–1350; Toulon, 1348; Massacre in Barcelona and Catalan cities, 1391; Erfurt Massacre, 1349; Basel, Aragon and Fl...
This is one of the most offensive rewrites of history. It may be true that the Jews had a worse time in Europe – a deflective phrase I have even heard academics use – but let’s face it, is the industrial slaughter of 6 million Jews really the bar we want to measure things by?
The early-English enslaved Irish Catholics; the Moors enslaved the Spanish before the Spanish enslaved the Moors and Cubans; the Ottomans enslaved the Balkans and Turks; the Egyptians enslaved the Jews; the Greeks and Romans enslaved seemingly everyone. While people think of slavery as...
Jews had lived in Spain for more than 1,500 years when the royal order was issued “that all Jewish men and women of all ages leave our kingdoms by the end of July, with their sons and daughters, servants and relatives who are Jews . . . with the warning that any who are found he...
Jesus seemed to be of royal blood, and hence was crowned King of the Jews. The inference from these sparse facts is that Jesus was of both Egyptian and Persian royal blood, but that he was exiled to Judaea in about 4 AD. This may seem like an i...
“Get It In Ohio” is an awesome drug rap exploring the ins and outs of acquiring product in the Rust Belt; definitely a new angle on well-worn territory (choice line: “Columbus to ‘Nati, them towns I raped ‘em/Few clowns was hating/Move my pounds to Dayton/And in Akron my nigga...