When he struck the water, the river divided and Elisha walked through. 15 The guild of prophets from Jericho saw the whole thing from where they were standing. They said, “The spirit of Elijah lives in Elisha!” They welcomed and honored him. 16 They then said, “We’re at your servi...
“Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.”“Are you the Prophet?” He answered, “No.” ...John 7:25-27Then some of the people of Jerusalem began to say, “Isn’t this the man they are trying to kill? / Yet here He is, speaking publicly, and they are not saying anything ...
15 The group of prophets from Jericho were standing not far away. They saw what happened. They said, ‘The spirit that gave power to Elijah is now with Elisha.’ They went to meet Elisha. They bent down low to the ground to respect him. 16 They said to him, ‘Please, sir! We ...
15 The disciples of the prophets who were at Jericho saw him from a distance. They said, “Elijah’s spirit rests on Elisha!” Then they went to meet him and bowed in front of him with their faces touching the ground. 16 They said to him, “There are 50 strong men here with us...
15 The group of prophets from Jericho were watching. They said, “The spirit of Elijah has been given to Elisha.” They went over to Elisha. They bowed down to him with their faces toward the ground. 16 “Look,” they said. “We have 50 capable men. Let them go and look for you...