本周一,外媒拍到58岁的美国主持人Wendy Williams温蒂·威廉姆斯穿着名牌浴袍,赤脚站在位于纽约市中心豪华公寓大厅的失态照片。 这已经不是媒体第一次捕捉到温蒂在公开场合失态的情况。 6月底,温蒂接受TMZ远程采访,神情恍惚,口齿不清。 被问及身体状况时,她甚至干脆直接在镜头前抱腿回应,画面相当诡异。 7月,她又被...
现在,随着温迪·威廉姆斯秀在本季结束后结束,亨特正在起诉该节目。 根据获得诉讼中提交的法庭文件副本的The Shade Room的说法,凯文·亨特(Kevin Hunter)正在起诉温迪·威廉姆斯秀(The Wendy Williams Show)背后的制作公司Debmar-Mercury,要求其非法终止。亨特声称,他的解雇是"基于他的婚姻状况,这是纽约市人权法禁止的"...
Wendy Williams. अभिनेत्री: Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. Wendy Williams का जन्म 18 जुलाई 1964 को हुआ था।Wendy Williams एक निर्माता औ
Hunter Jr., whom Williams shares with her ex-husband Kevin Hunter, admitted to not being able to pay the bills because his mother had been going through “some health issues,” with her finances since being placed under the court’s control.Read More: Wendy Williams Addresses Marriage During...
Wendy Williams and Kevin Hunter will keep working together Williams and her soon-to-be ex-spouse co-own the production company that makesThe Wendy Williams Showso they cannot easily severe their business and financial ties. The site cla...
在结婚20多年之后,温迪·威廉姆斯(Wendy Williams)在2019年向她的丈夫凯文·亨特(Kevin Hunter)申请离婚。几个月前有传言称凯文一直在欺骗温迪,甚至让他的情妇怀孕(温迪最终证实了这些报道)。然而,温迪并没有因为长期恋爱关系的消亡而沉迷,反而比以往任何时候都更好地反弹了!作为新单身女性,温迪彻底提升了自己的风格...
Update: Wendy Williams' son is in the clear. The simple assault case against Kevin Hunter Jr. was officially dismissed earlier today. He had previously pleaded not guilty after allegedly getting into a physical fight with his dad, Kevin Hunter Sr. "The police were not witnesses to what happen...
Kevin Hunter Jr., left, with his mother, Wendy Williams. Hunter says in the documentary that his power of attorney has been revoked. (Finnie/Hunter Family) It became imperative to us that the family be brought into the story, and then they revealed their story to us. That b...
温迪·威廉姆斯(Wendy Williams)不惧怕炫耀自己惊人的身材,考虑到她的年龄会越来越大,她在过去几年中一直穿着一些最性感的外表。温迪是紧身合奏的忠实拥护者,她也喜欢经常摇摆不定的外观。无论是在红地毯上,还是在纽约街头时,Wendy都会通过自己的风格游戏带来它。现在,这位54岁的单身女性-她于2019年从凯文亨特(Kev...
出生日期:1964年7月18日 出生地:美国,新泽西州,阿斯伯里帕克 更多外文名:Wendy Joan Williams (本名) / The Queen of Radio (昵称) 家庭成员:Kevin Hunter(夫) IMDb编号:nm1829292 职业:演员 / 制片人 关注3人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· Wendy Joan...