Comes with 1 D1 mini board, 2 long female pins, 2 short female pins, and 2 normal pins Features: |Use Strict Node|Node Web Development| **High-Performance Integration** The ESP8266 ESP32 ESP-12 ESP-12F CH340G CH340 V2 USB WeMos D1 Mini WIFI Development Board is a powerhouse of in...
Quickly checked their schematic, they are using MicroOne ME6211 LDO with 500mA peak current, the ESP32-C3 specified 335mA@3.3V peak power when RF TX is working. In theory, it should be good enough. The NodeMCU ESP32-C3-32S-Kit uses a AMS1117-3.3 1A LDO, Espressif's ESP32-C3-DevKit...