Welsh Government, Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2011. 2011.Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation. https://statswales.wales.gov. uk/Catalogue/Community-Safety-and-Social-Inclusion/Welsh-Index- of-Multiple-Deprivation/WIMD-2011/WIMD2011Welsh Assembly Government. Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation ...
“There is concern that Wales is falling even further behind and farmers lack clear support, despite organic ticking their sustainable farming objectives. Welsh Government must act fast to introduce the proposed support for organic farming in the Sustainable Farming Scheme. “With 50% more wildlife o...
(2022). Exploring the impact of the Covid -19 pandemic on learners in Wales. University of Aberystwyth/ University of Wales Trinity St David/ Bangor University. Google Scholar Welsh Government. (2017). Education in Wales: Our national mission. Retrieved from https://gov.wales/sites/default/...
Education is a devolved power in Wales, governed in terms of legislature by the Senedd (Welsh Parliament) and executively by Welsh Government. A new schools Curriculum for Wales (Hwb, 2021a) was launched in 2021, with Welsh language education embedded within “Languages, Literacy and Communicatio...
Other ISO standards have informed the work in Wales over the years, and these have formed the basis of a number of guidelines produced by the LTU for various government bodies, the most recent of which appeared in 2007 [25]. However, perhaps the second most important ISO document with ...
Welsh Assembly GovernmentWelsh Assembly Government. 2011. SIEQ0007: Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2008. https://statswales.wales.gov.uk/Catalogue/Community-Safety-and-Social-Inclusion/ Welsh-Index-of-Multiple-Deprivation/WIMD-2008/OverallIndex-by-Area-Domain (accessed 10 October 2012).Welsh ...
Welsh in schools 2007STATS WALESWelsh Assembly Government (2007b) Welsh in Schools 2007. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.Welsh Assembly Government. 2007. Welsh in Schools 2007. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government.
Welsh Local Labour Force Survey 2003-04STATS WALES
Welsh Assembly GovernmentWAG. 2008. Welsh index of multiple deprivation 2008 (WIMD) - summary report Cardiff: Statistics for Wales, Welsh Assembly Government. Available: http://new. wales.gov.uk/statsdocs/compendia/wimd08/summary/ wimd08sumintroe.pdf....