us-ca-sonoma-county-sc_base_adr_addresses-shpSHP file of parcels with situs address attached provided via public records request by local government in Sonoma County California us-ca-yuba_county-AddressPoints-shpSHP file of address points provided via public records request by local government in ...
The track record of Welsh Labour is strong and when a UK Labour Government properly funds the NHS, further progress will be possible. In relation to NHS staff pay, more NHS staff will be retained and new ones attracted to the NHS when they can receive a living wage! And that is why, ...
his administration beset by a massive southern border crisis of its own making, out-of-control government spending with a national debt approaching a staggering $30 trillion, a worsening Covid pandemic, and a foreign policy disaster of epic proportions in south Asia. The only thing Biden has go...