The UK Government’s Energy Security plan is ambitious and contains fantastic news for the whole of Wales. We know that there is huge potential in the Celtic Sea for floating offshore wind and we have the best sites for new nuclear developments. The UK Government is supporting plans for the...
Rebecca Evans MS, Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy, and Planning and Michael Shanks MP, UK Minister for Energy, led the discussions, with both emphasising a shared commitment to a clean energy future. In her keynote address, delivered to a packed audience at Newport’s IC...
These emissions, measured in tons of CO2e per year, are based on the United Kingdom Government Environmental Reporting Guidelines53. The carbon emissions regulated by Ofwat in the provision of drinking water are considered across three categories: (i) Scope 1: GHG emissions from transportation ...
A municipal sector plan for waste in Wales has been published to help the country recycle 70% of waste by 2025 and to be zero waste by 2050, targets set out under its Towards Zero Waste strategy. The sector plan also emphasises Wales' commitment to weekly collections of food waste, and ...
DH, London; Scottish Executive Health Department (2006) A Good Practice Guide on Consent for Health Professionals in NHS Scotland , SEHD, Edinburgh; Welsh Assembly Government (2009) Reference Guide for Consent to Examination or Treatment... ...
The Welsh Government has issued new Active Travel Act guidance, to help local authorities plan, design and deliver high-quality walking and cycling routes. It brings together previous advice and feedback from a public consultation and sets out what is expected from councils when they are designing...
planning for a net- zero-energy future Discussion with national and devolved governments is ongoing, and after an initial pilot the Welsh Government is funding LAEPs in at least two further ... R Halsey - 《Town & Country Planning the Quarterly Review of the Town & Country Planning Associatio...