Cors Caron'svast raised bog, near Tregaron, Mid Wales, is the most important in the UK, and supports a staggering amount of life, including around 16 species of dragonfly. They’re gorgeous to look at… and pretty tasty, judging by the number of hobbies - agile little hawks - that pre...
(礼服)have a symbol of a gold dragon with five claws.Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols,too,but with fewer claws and of a different colour.According to popular belief,if you are born in the year of the dragon,you are intelligent,bra...
Black dragon has a rich deep amber colour with a very light haze, and it's lightly carbonated with a funk on the nose. It's medium dry and has a depth of mature, earthy apple skins and a farmyard funky character. It's full-bodied with a smooth taste and has a certain aged whisky...
Big, bold, brash, breath-taking and bombastic. This dragon of a Welsh Castle dominates the landscape as it unfolds itself on a narrow rocky outcrop. The drama is magnified by the glorious old suspension bridge completed in 1826 connecting the castle to the main peninsula. Boats and moorings ...