The Wells score to determine the pretest probability of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) was validated in outpatient settings, but it is unclear whether it applies to inpatients. To evaluate the utility of the Wells score for...
10.Nazerian P, Volpicelli G, Gigli C, Becattini C, Sferrazza Papa GF, Grifoni S,VanniS; Ultrasound Wells study group. Diagnostic performance of Wells score combinedwith point-of-care lung and venous ultrasound in suspected pulmonary ...
Wells评分法包括Wells DVT评分法和Wells PE评分法两部分。现将Wells评分法的产生、组成及应用进展综述如下。 1 Wells DVT评分法 1995年Wells等〔3〕在文献资料及临床经验基础上,提出一种DVT临床预测方法,该方法考虑DVT的癥状体征、危险因素及患者可能的诊断三个方面因素,将疑似DVT患者的发生DVT可能性分为低、中、...
结论高龄髋部骨折患者围术期Wells评分及D-二聚体水平可用于下肢DVT临床诊断。 [Abstract] Objective To explore the application value of Wells score and D-dimer in the prediction of perioperative deep venous thrombosis(DVT)of lower limbs in elderly patients with hip fracture. Methods A retrospective ...
Wells评分联合DD检测可辅助早期筛查DVT,降低DVT漏诊率,并有效排除DVT。 关键词: D-二聚体, Wells评分, 深静脉血栓 Abstract: Objective To investigate the significance of clinical probability model Wells' score combined with D-dimer(DD)determination for screening deep vein thrombosis(DVT). Methods A ...
"Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) - Wells Criteria" is a mobile app intended to help calculate the Wells score for risk of DVT. The scores are varied from -2 until 9…
1、【关键词】 Wells评分法;静脉血栓栓塞癥;肺血栓栓塞癥;定量预测方法静脉血栓栓塞癥(VTE)包括深静脉血栓(DVT)和肺血栓栓塞癥(PTE)。因PTE为肺栓塞(PE)最常见类型,占PE的绝大多数,故通常所称PE即指PTE。在西方国家VTE发病率约121。VTE患者漏诊误诊后,可以发生猝死、慢性肺动脉高压等严重并发癥,因此VTE的早期...
1 TOTAL Score Traditional interpretation <2.0 Low probability of PE 2.0-6.0 Moderate probability of PE >6.0 High probability of PE Score Alternative classification scheme ≤4.0 PE unlikely >4.0 PE likely DVT, deep venous thrombosis; PE, pulmonary embolism. the Wells score for PE©...
Score Traditional interpretation <2.0 Low probability of PE 2.0-6.0 Moderate probability of PE >6.0 High probability of PE Score Alternative classification scheme ≤4.0 PE unlikely >4.0 PE likely DVT, deep venous thrombosis; PE, pulmonary embolism.本文...
the Wells score for PE Calculating and interpreting the Wells score4,5,7,9, 10 Clinical paramete Points Clinically suspected DVT 3 Alternative diagnosis less likely than 3 PE Tachycardia 1.5 Immobilization/surgery (within 4 1.5 weeks) History of DVT or PE 1.5 Hemoptysis 1 Malignancy (treatment ...