How to contact Wells Fargo if you suspect fraud or see suspicious activity on your bank accounts, including credit card and checking or savings accounts.
When will I receive my first alert? How do I know if I have a new alert? Why did I receive a credit card alert today for a transaction that happened on a different day? What if I receive an alert about a debit card or credit card transaction I do not recognize? How long do messa...
like a business loan. For instance, you can build up some savings to use as collateral for a credit card or line of credit. Vehicles or equipment might also be used as collateral. Learn more about
Wells Fargo uses leading-edge technology to help secure your data, provide round-the-clock monitoring, and combat fraud.
Wells Fargo’s bill-paying service is an online resource that allows bank customers to have their regular bills paid automatically. It can take the hassle and uncertainty,,,
You have options when it comes to funding your business, such as getting a bank loan, using a credit card, or applying for government or community grants or loans.
Wells Fargo: Bank of America faces the largest layoff in history, or 100000 layoffs in the next five years
The lawsuit, LBBW Luxemburg S.A. v. Wells Fargo Securities LLC, et al., No. 12-CV-7311, was filed Sept. 28, 2012, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The complaint alleges common law fraud, constructive fraud, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary...
A federal regulator sued JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Bank of America on Friday, claiming the banks failed to protect hundreds of thousands of consumers from rampant fraud on the popular payments network Zelle, in violation of consumer financial laws. In the fede...
The federal lawsuit claims Wells Fargo, JPMorgan and Bank of America failed to protect their customers from fraud while using Zelle. Zelle is the peer-to-peer payment platform used by millions of people. LOS ANGELES-Hundreds of thousands of customers were victims of fraud after using Ze...