To overcome the limitations of the Ranney method, a proper well screen was inserted under the protection of a temporary casing, which was later retracted. At first, it was tried to push both protective casing and screen into the aquifer together, the so-called Nebolsine well (Bieske1959). ...
Following field validation, WellSTICs were used for point dilution tests in a cobble aquifer along the Slate River in Gunnison County, Colorado. The typical sediment profile at the site consists of a layer of silts and clays (1.8–2.4 m thick) underlain by poorly sorted cobble. All piezometers...
So it was I sat and thought my problem out. . . . I still remember my satisfaction at seeing things plainly at last. It was like clouds dispersing to show the sky. Constructive ideas, of course, couldn’t hold a party together alone, “interests and habits, not ideas,” I had that...
County-wide shallow aquifer water table depths have historically ranged from 6.1 m to 21.3 m below land surface (Department of Water Resources, 1997). Each dry well was 1 m (m) wide and 14 m deep. One dry well was constructed at the Strawberry Detention Basin (SDB), located within a ...
Total nitrogen and total organic carbon analyses were provided by George Heufelder and Gongmin Lei, Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment. We thank the participating well owners; Sarah Dunagan for GIS land use analysis; Yongtao Li and Jessie Varab of Eurofins Eaton Analytical; ...