allowing us to learn the latest and most effective advances in Chiropractic and Human Nutrition and bring them back to our patients. We enjoy writing, researching and lecturing on topics concerning chiropractic, healthcare, and experiences that we have gained along the way. Our diverse approach and...
Practicing silence has allowed for transformation that in the way I think, how I experience life, and what I see for the future. Regardless of how we meet the silent spaces of life, the opportunity to embrace them and grow from them is a choice we can make. It isn’t an exercise in...
It's normal to be afraid offailureorchange, but on some level, we know that to be healthy, we must take a stand. We have to find a way that allows us to achieve the healthy lifestyle we deserve. Robb uncovers how we can take that stand with science and with a story from his own...
but it's really all of thosein-between momentsthat we have to sort out along the way that bring us joy.”– Dr. Anna Akbari on how working towards achievements is
Hopkins embraces color in the same way he does fragrance: by letting it serve as a potent mood enhancer. This is clear in all the ways he expresses himself visually, from his paintings to his now signature uniform of Hawaiian-print T-shirts, which he sources and collects from the Jams Wor...