Wellness dog food is made by Wellpet LLC, an umbrella company headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts. The company sprang from an earlier dog biscuit manufacturer called Old Mother Hubbard, which itself began from a bakery founded in 1873. Wellness has existed as a brand since 1997. In addition...
as well as overseeing intellectual property, corporate transactions and management counseling across our business lines,” Gorbet said. “It is important to me as a dog parent to support Wellness Pet’s commitment to creating the healthiest natural and nutritious pet food and treats for the pets...
I can’t recall many photos between the ages of 5 and 9. But 9, that is MY first real fat memory. And I am now approaching 47 next month. I have always been a few sizes larger than my friends in school. They would be a cute 5...
Lastly, when you hit a roadblock to your next destination, recall your Epiphany to provide hope and faith. The Last Epiphany As we travel our earthly road, one thing should guide our direction while we live between Epiphanies—the last revelation. The life we have lived and the kindnesses ...
“Do you measure Haley’s food every day?” “Do you try to control Haley’s exposure to mosquitoes by removing standing water?” Perhaps the PWR scoring algorithm ranks these questions a little lower to make the overall health assessment more accurate. It’s just something that seemed strange...
Knowing the course is a 25 km out and back, I vividly recall thinking to myself “man this is going to be a bitch to climb later on.” Alas, the descent lead to the first aid station.This is where my competitive instincts kicked in. I wanted a quick turn around. ...