Dr. Cooner hassuccessfully treated the following conditions with ‘acupuncture’ and ‘natural medicine’with a lot of success:pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, allergies, asthma, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, weight loss, PMS, infertility, acne, sinusitis, arthritis, irritable ...
Revitalize Your Mind and Body with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine - Experience holistic healing from within: Allow the ancient wisdom of...
It is a revolutionary model of medicine that focuses on conducting and influencing the energy within the body, this energy is called "Qi". Acupuncture serves as a means to correct imbalances within the body and prevent reoccurences. An acu-facial is a safe, effective, natural alternative to ...
It's Natural. Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is a natural way of healing and relieving a variety of symptoms and chronic conditions with no side effects. Rapid Results. While each patient varies, your body will start to heal on its own during your first acupuncture session.Results can be ach...
We help your body heal itself by means of natural healing therapies such as acupuncture, RMT massage, herbal medicine and other modalities.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in Mildura. Providing natural & holistic health care options. Dr Alexandra Bacon (TCM). Becoming Whole Wellness. Mildura acupuncture.
Pristine Acupuncture & Wellness in Asheville, NC provides drug-free relief from chronic pain, allergies, stress and anxiety.
Pristine Acupuncture & Wellness in Asheville, NC provides drug-free relief from chronic pain, allergies, stress and anxiety.
Our mission is to help as many people as possible in their quest for optimal health and to educate them so that they, in turn, can educate others about the benefits of acupuncture and holistic medicine. To achieve this, we are currently offering a low-cost health evaluation and screening to...
Wellspring of Life Acupuncture Clinic, located in Riverhead, New York, is led by Melissa Peters, LAc. Our integrative medicine clinic seamlessly combines traditional Chinese medicine with innovative medical solutions to deliver the most effective treatments available. At our acupuncture practice, we are...