WellingtonNZ 致力于宣传惠灵顿大区的宜居、旅游、求学和就业。我们的目标是让惠灵顿大区名声远扬。 惠灵顿餐饮 | Wellington dining 惠灵顿是新西兰一些顶级餐厅、酒吧和咖啡馆的所在地,素有美食之都的美誉。所到之处皆是隐藏的饕餮宝藏, 惠灵顿的美食文化定会给您留下深刻的印象。
At the centre of New Zealand, you’ll find Wellington. Between the green hills and sparkling harbour, the capital city and region have so much to discover.
Students take it to Victoria University, and locals ride to get up the hill, but the cable car is also one of the popular Wellington tourist attractions. New Zealand’s onlyfunicular railwayruns from the centre of town uphill for 612m. You will find the entrance and ticket booth on Cable ...
WellingtonNZ loves showcasing the best of Wellington and can help with free promotion for your business or event. We’re here to support the Wellington region with everything that it does. We profile events, cafés, bars, restaurants, shops, tourist attractions, activities, and accommodation. ...
更多 200 Daniell StreetNewtown, NZ 访问网站 Wellington Cable Car 历史地标 15 minutes以外 One of Wellington’s most popular tourist attractions, the historic cable car departs every 10 minutes and takes you on a short historical journey, from Lambton Quay in the city centre to t...
Top Wellington Tourist Attractions Handpicked by a Local Expert Wellington Luxury Handpicked by a Local Expert Best Outdoor Dining In Wellington Handpicked by a Local Expert Best Wine Bars In Wellington Handpicked by a Local Expert Best Fish Restaurants In Wellington ...
Ōtaki is a popular tourist destination, with attractions such as the Rangiātea Church, the Ōtaki Forks, and the Tararua Forest Park. The town is also home to a number of Māori cultural attractions, including the Te Wānanga o Raukawa university and the Māoriland Film Festival. ...
Tourist Attractions Handpicked by a Local Expert Wellington Luxury Handpicked by a Local Expert Best Outdoor Dining In Wellington Handpicked by a Local Expert Best Wine Bars In Wellington Handpicked by a Local Expert Best Fish Restaurants In Wellington Handpicked by a Local Expert Unique Wedding ...
The Waitomo Glowworm Caves are one of the morepopular North Island tourist attractions, and while they are between Auckland and Wellington, they are not on the route we are recommending. However, they are worth a visit if you have never seen the glowworm species found exclusively in New Zealan...
The North Island ofNew Zealandis a great place for a vacation and there is far more to it than first meets the eye. You could start your holiday by driving your campervan hire in Wellington to as far north as Lake Taupo and thegeothermal attractions of Rotorua; where there are a lot ...