Wellerman Nathan Evans 1w+ 作词: Nathan Evans/Alex Oriet/David Phelan 作曲: Nathan Evans/Alex Oriet/David Phelan There once was a ship that put to sea曾经有一艘船出海远航 The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea那艘船的名字是“比利·茶”号 The winds blew up, her bow dipped ...
The Wellerman makes his a regular call“茶壶号”不断鸣号 To encourage the Captain, crew and all鼓励着船长、船员和所有一切 Soon may the Wellerman come过不了多久,“茶壶号”就要来了 To bring us sugar and tea and rum给我们带来糖、茶和朗姆酒 One day when thetonguin' is done当捕捉的鲸鱼被处理...
18世纪,一条名叫“Billy of tea”的新西兰捕鱼船在追捕一条鲸鱼,他们用鱼叉叉中了它却又没办法把它拉上船。当时有一个名叫“Weller bothers”的英国公司专门为这些捕鲸船送补给(sugar、rum、tea),所以水手们亲切的称送补给的船为“Wellerman”。, 视频播放量 5820、弹
wellerman 翻译 "Wellerman"(威勒曼号)是一首流行的船歌,源自于19世纪早期的捕鲸时代。歌曲以捕鲸船威勒曼号的名字命名,描述了捕鲸船员的生活和工作。以下是一些用法和中英文对照的例句: 1. Wellerman(威勒曼号):指的是捕鲸船。 Example: The Wellerman sailed across the ocean in search of whales.(威勒曼号驶过...
Sea Shanty - Wellerman
Soon may the Wellerman come韦勒曼号补给船马上会来 To bring us sugar and tea and rum他会给我们带糖 茶 还有朗姆酒 One day when the tonguin' is done有一天食物吃完了 We'll take our leave and go我们就带上行李走 As far as I've heard the fight's still on据我所知 战斗还在继续 ...
《Wellerman》提神醒脑的水手之歌 80808:53 Sleepyhead 睡公主 9911:05 不要走 Don't Go 4812:22 LMLY 别让我独自爱你 4613:05 《日不落》英文版才是原版哦 15008:03 无所畏惧Fearless 4511:06 写给他 For Him 5810:00 《The Woman In My Life》母爱无边 4307:34 爱情故事Love Story 4612:20主播...
2298 0 02:05 App 《Wellerman》——杰克船长的快乐 24.7万 424 06:28 App 【混剪】【高燃】加勒比海盗 He is a pirate 44.9万 1139 02:04 App 【the wellerman】来自五个社会主义国家的压迫感【中文填词】高燃 21.7万 24 00:26 App Wellerman,长版的做了,但是太长了感觉不好听,就先把之前的的发出来...