Wellens syndrome is a clinical entity characterized by acute chest pain, normal or minimal elevation of cardiac biomarker, specific ECG changes with no ST elevation or Q-waves. The ECG modifications contemplate: biphasic T waves in lead V2 and V3 (type A) initially positive and subsequent ...
We report a case of quite rare cause of thoracic pain suspected by emergency physician as Wellens' syndrome. Wellens' syndrome is a pattern of electrocardiographic T-wave changes associated with critical, proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD). This syndrome is about 10-15% of all unstabl...
Wellens综合征(Wellens Syndrom,WS)是一种极易发展为心源性猝死的高危急性冠脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS),与左前降支高度狭窄相关。其特点是心电图表现与临床症状不符,即心绞痛发作时表现为T波直立;心绞痛缓解后出现具有特征性的对称性深倒置的T波,极易漏诊和误诊,导致严重后果。本文报道了2例WS患者的...
Wellens' syndrome is a pattern of electrocardiographic T-wave changes associated with critical, proximal left anterior descending (LAD) artery stenosis. We herein report 2 cases of Wellens' syndrome with segmental wall-motion abnormalities The first case is a 50-year-old man admitted to the emergen...
Wellens_Syndrome:徐亚伟 Wellens综合征:从概念到应用 上海市第十人民医院徐亚伟 Wellens综合症 ••••占临床急性心肌缺血行PCI治疗的13%~20%占不稳定性心绞痛患者14-18%提示前降支近端高度狭窄如果不及时处理,从发病到大面积前壁心梗出现的平均时间为8.5天•是尽早行PCI的指征 ???综合症 1955年...
In patients who do not have acute coronary syndrome and in whom the T wave abnormalities are not classic for Wellens-type changes, non-invasive imaging instead of cardiac catheterization may be indicated initially. 展开 关键词: LEFT ventricular hypertrophy AFRICAN American men ACUTE coronary syndrome...
R., Bathri NarayananR., BalamuruganS., VenkatesanG., PalanisamyS., MuruganG., ManoharanG., PratapkumarV.E., DhandapaniM.S., RaviK., MeenakshiBathri Narayanan R. Clinical profile and angiographic correlation in Wellens' syndrome. Indian Heart J 2013;65:viii....
Wellens' syndrome represents critical occlusion of the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. Electrocardiographic changes similar to Wellens' wave are not exceptional to acute coronary occlusion and can also be seen in cardiac and non-cardiac conditions, such as left ventricular hypertrophy, ...
Wellens' syndrome心电图表现&分型 Type1:见A图,可见V2-3导联T波正负双向改变,占24% Type2:见B图,可见V2-3导联出现对称性的深倒T波,占76% 这种患者心绞痛症状与心电图改变呈非同步性。患者常先有不稳定型心绞痛发作的病史或心绞痛发作在前,心电图T波改变常出现在胸痛缓解后数小时或数天(多数在24h)内...
present in approximately 75% of cases. The 2 types of T waves found in Wellens syndrome exist on a spectrum of disease with type-A T waves evolving into type-B T waves. The T-wave abnormalities may be persistent, remaining in place for hours to weeks, even when the patient is pain-...