Increasingly in Australia and overseas, teachers are being asked to deliver interventions designed and developed outside the education arena to improve the mental health and well-being of children. Examples of such school-based interventions include the National Drug Education Strategy (Ministerial ...
We collaborated with psychologists, teachers and professionals to create ‘resource pool’ style programs, professional development opportunities and family resources, with concepts backed by decades of research. When does true 'prevention’ begin when it comes to mental wellbeing? Our belief is that ...
In addition, there are national organizations to help people with gambling problems and there are also inpatient and residential treatment and rehab programs for those who cannot quit on their own. Many people gamble as a way to soothe unpleasant feelings, relieve boredom or socialize. But there ...
Well-being has been touted for many years as a critical factor in achieving positive outcomes for students in schools across Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, and globally. Despite extensive reporting of student well-being concerns, further research is needed to fully understand this complex construct...
Learning will continue to be personalised, as well as gamified, ‘stacked’ through a range of microlearning opportunities, and lifelong. Schools will continue to reflect on the purpose of teachers as experts who broker learning experiences for students, and schools as hubs of learning opportunities...
Well-being has a direct impact on learning. Our workshops for teachers, students & Parents give you the tools and knowledge to improve both.
Furthermore, earlier studies, also in Western Australia, had found gaps in knowledge and cultural competence of staff who were caring for Indigenous boarders; they had limited preparation to teach and care for Indigenous students from communities about which they knew little, had pre-conceptions, ...
It is well-recognised that mental health conditions are often underpinned by other psychosocial problems, for example, academic stressors were associated with distress in a review of university student studies [80]. In Australia, number of hours spent studying, either low or high amounts, was ass...
Blog post by Chloe Eckert, Head of Digital Communications, PROJECT ROCKIT PROJECT ROCKIT is Australia’s youth-driven movement against bullying, hate and prejudice. Their programs are designed by young people, for young people, with advice developed in collaboration with young people. You can ...
The Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use received the Rotary Health Australia Knowledge Dissemination Award in 2015 from the Society for Mental Health Research. Climate Schools is listed in the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP). ...