Analyses were conducted in MPlus 8.7. The clustered/hierarchical nature of the dataset (adolescents nested within schools) was taken into account using the ‘Type = complex’ function which adjusts standard errors to account for dependence in the data. It was considered appropriate to treat m...
But you also need champions on the ground, among the pupil body and among the teacher body - and those champions are the ones who will be the influencers, if you like, who will shift the student body and shift the teacher body as a whole. You also need to balance the integrity of ...
The Student Formation program is designed to move well beyond the concept of pastoral care. It champions the wellbeing of all students through curriculum content focussing on men’s health, digital citizenship, positive relationships, leadership and tools for success. Through a formal and informal pr...
or events that undermine a child’s feeling of safety, stability, and bonding, such as growing up in a household where there are substance use, mental health problems or instability due to parental separation or a parent being in prison along with...
The former, Henry, champions a programme in which young people discover what can be learned from horses about communication as they learn to ride and care for them. In this paper, we bring together two separate studies and offer a double similitude as it were, in finding "common...
Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning. Washington, DC: The Arts Education Partnership and the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. Online report, pp. 49-60. Canadian Council on Social Development and Canadian Policy ...
“Every child is trained to become a doctor or an engineer, but we need a more sports-friendly curriculum. Only then will India produce world champions,” Bhutia said. He suggested making sports a major subject in schools to build an ecosystem that values athletic achievement alongside academics...
Schools could win Be Mindful: Hampshire Trailblazers outdoor learning training for teachers and some wellie storage for your school To enter, simply email us a summary of how your school got involved in Walktober – Walking to Wellbeing - and the benefits to wellbeing that you and your pupils...
Recruited 5 Music Champions to train as studio engineers Established Orangebox as an active member of local, regional and national networks Piloted a commercial approach to running the café with a local partner organisation Secured 2 two-year Department for Education commissions ...
3.1. Social Networks of Wellbeing Leads in Case Study Schools 3.1.1. Influential Champions for Health: Characteristics and Position within Social Networks Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5 provide a key and net-map diagrams for the wellbeing leads’ ego network in each of...