The research has been used by school systems to develop policy and implementation frameworks to support wellbeing in schools.Professional development activities were undertaken during 2015-2017 to further engage school systems with the key research findings. The positive response and uptake of key ...
One of our Be Well initiatives is Global Be Well Day (GBWD), an annual event when our schools collapse the curriculum for one day to focus entirely on wellbeing, with activities and events that involve the entire school community of students, parents and employees. Mindfulness Practice ...
Since we opened our first international school in Tianjin, wellbeing has been at the heart of everything we do, from curriculum development to group governance. Our schools are fortunate to have access to the pioneering ...
Similarly, children in Tuukkanen and Pekkarinen’s study (2022) prioritised being afforded opportunities for expression and self-fulfilment via hobbies, creative activities, and exploring nature. Children are especially aware of the amount of free time they are afforded at school (Yetunde et al.,...
These approaches generally advocate involvement in activities that trigger positive emotional experiences and meet the individual's desires. Broadly speaking, hedonic wellbeing is characterised as the presence of positive emotions, lack of negative emotions, and general satisfaction with life [24]. In ...
Students spend most of their non-class time in the school yard participating predominantly in three activity categories: engaging in social interactions, undertaking physical activities (play/games/ sports), and attending to physiological needs (eating, drinking, resting etc). Teachers' work in the ...
The same platform also informs what evidence based activities the child can perform in order to realise improvements in order to stay well and/or optimise their wellbeing”. Director of Student Life, USA “We get the results immediately and even where they show that a girl is flourishing ...
relationship over the time studied.The main results are that subjective wellbeing is related to engagement at school, as well as to some leisure time activities, and that the improvement in wellbeing occurs more in vocational training pathways and in young people starting from more vulnerable ...
comprehensive pre-planned and flexible program with 48 resourced learning experiences aimed to support educators to teach young children skills for empathy, appreciation, relaxation, cooperation, emotional competency and self-esteem.Includes a range of 'school ready' and 0-3 years activities, stories, ...
coding of the intervention included: descriptions of activities, dosage (i.e. frequency and timing, including time of day or time of school year), control condition, and the location of the sessions. As coding progressed, a few additional codes were created in order to refine existing codes....