Women over the age of 75 were the worst affected, with women of this age particularly likely to have low levels of "wellbeing. " 年龄在75岁以上的女性受到的影响最大,这个阶段的女性尤其可能会感觉到生活的不幸福。 www.hxen.com 2. And the scientists believe they are triggered by the mum-to...
9.andwellbeingthat you respect her privacy. 我们请求大家尊重她的隐私 10.Because it's not just yourwellbeingthat I'm concerned with. 因为我担心的不仅仅是 你的安康 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词wellbeing的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
Wellbeinglife will be realized by using the heating pad. 幸福生活将实现通过使用加热垫. 互联网 Humor can enhance physical as well mentalwellbeing. 幽默能提够提高我们的身心素质. 互联网 For and small children, the many experiences of pleasure andwellbeingare still rather diffuse. ...
a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous 同义词: wellbeing / welfare / upbeat / eudaemonia / eudaimonia 专业释义 心理学 幸福感-引用次数:682 Subjective well-being consists of cognitive and affective components. 主观幸福感由认知和情感两个成分构成。 参考来源人格特质影响情感幸福感...
Wellbeing这个词是从be well变来的。英语经常用这种方式,如pick pear-->pear-picking。be well的语义为"处于良好状语”,将be变成being后挪到well后面,即成为名词well-being.因为well-being太常用,中间的“-”就渐渐失去, 变成了wellbeing(与它相反,pear-picking并不是特别常用词,所以中间的"-"还有),如 【...
Wellbeing可以拆解为“well”+“being”两个词,“well”译为“好”,“being”译为“在当下”,“好的在当下”的感觉,的确是一种美好的状态。在Wellbeing状态下,人不仅健康,而且充满精力、充满干劲。生活地更好,意味着无论遇到什么挑战,外在表现更从容、不焦虑;内在有充足的安全感、自信与笃定。 那对于学生们来...
Wellbeing Self-Care Galaxy S Galaxy Watch Tips Wellbeing The key to your most productive self? Your chronotype Wellbeing Self-Care Galaxy S Galaxy Fold Galaxy Watch Wellbeing 3 Ways to cultivate a calmer digital life Wellbeing Self-Care Galaxy S Galaxy Tab SmartThings Wellbeing 3 ...
DHEA is increasingly aailable commercially as a supplement aimed at improing libido and wellbeing in postmenopausal women. 脱氢表雄酮作为一种增加绝经后妇女性欲和健康的补充,其商业销售不断增加。 To reduce public spending on wellbeing would be an act of the greatest folly. ...