Functional Wholistic Chiropractic care, frequency medicine, nutritional IV therapy, Applied Kinesiology, Quantum Neurology, Lebowitz frequency testing, food sensitivity testing, functional blood panels, hyperbaric oxygen chamber, Neuro Emotional Techniqu
More Chiropractic Care Extraordinary Over 25 years experience serving elite athletes, weekend warriors and ambassadors of the home... Schedule todayto find out why we are Castle Rock's answer to the daily grind. ...
Within the chiropractic literature, there is under-representation of clinical observation, small-scale trials and pilot studies. This can have an adverse effect in framing the research questions of larger projects. It can also lead to a diminution in the perceived significance of research by ...
With proper exercise, nutrition and a healthy mindset, chiropractic is essential to a mind-body balance. Maintaining a healthy nervous system is a big step toward a wellness based lifestyle. Your journey to great health is well within your ability to control. Schedule your appointment now!
Gilbert chiropractor Dr. Istok received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life University in Marietta, Georgia in 2010. She has practiced with senior chiropractors all over the country before settling in Arizona and opening our practice. She finds it very rewarding to provide care that changes...
I am so grateful to have found Wellspring Chiropractic, not only did Dr. Watson fix my back pain COMPLETELY within the first few visits, but he helped me develop habits and showed me ways to take care of my back and prevent the pain from returning. Janessa is super professional and atten...
ChiropracticCare MassageTherapy S-WaveTherapy PEMFTherapy Nutrition &Detox HeartHealth FuntionalNutrition Restoring the Nurturing Life Force Within Your Body Live Well Chiropracticis a modern wellness practice offering all the best in natural health. Our comprehensive services include gentlechiropractic,massage...
I would definitely refer my family and friends to Dr. Jim. Live Well Chiropractic is the best chiropractic office in Brainerd! - K.P. It had been years since I had seen a chiropractor. I was experiencing heartburn and acid reflux and was referred to Dr. Jim. After the first adjustment...
Our innatepotentialis calling us out from withinbegging us to thrive. Take asneak peekat this revolutionary chiropractic experience. The Pre-First Visit Video Imagine educating your patients even before they enter your office. This video informs the patient on what to expect on their first visit....
My practice members are not “patients” to me they are friends, neighbors, and family. I took over Network Chiropractic of Vermont in 1997 but I have over 25+ years of experience in the Chiropractic profession. I decided it was time for a name change...Why?