The meaning of WELL-TIMED is happening at an opportune moment : timely. How to use well-timed in a sentence.
fittingly or appropriately timed; opportune; timely: a well-timed demand for new legislation. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofwell-timed1 First recorded in 1625–35 Discover More Example Sentences Titanic has sometimes made $50,000 in a few weeks of well-timed chipping and puttin...
Adj.1.well-intentioned- marked by good intentions though often producing unfortunate results; "a well-intentioned but clumsy waiter"; "a well-meaning but tactless fellow"; "the son's well-meaning efforts threw a singular chill upon the father's admirers"- S.W.Maughm; "blunt but well-meant...
well–timed (adjective) well–to–do (adjective) well–tried (adjective) well–trodden (adjective) well–turned (adjective) well–wisher (noun) well–worn (adjective) artesian well (noun) ne'er–do–well (noun) oil well (noun) wishing well (noun) alive (adjective) alone...
36.well-timed时机良好的 赞 回复 见人是拥抱麦琳 组长 楼主 2023-09-21 17:23:49 广东 37.well-traveled 游历广的 赞 回复 见人是拥抱麦琳 组长 楼主 2023-09-21 17:24:30 广东 38.well-tried 屡试不爽的 赞 回复 见人是拥抱麦琳 组长 楼主 2023-09-21 17:24:44 广东 39.well-thumbed...
The meaning of WELL-TIMBERED is well braced or strengthened by timbers. How to use well-timbered in a sentence.
well meaning well met Well Mind Association Well Mixing Movement Pattern Well Nourished Well Nourished, Well Developed Well of Jacob Well of Life Well of Life Well of Loneliness, The Well of Lost Plots Well of Souls Well of Urd Well of Urðr Well of Wyrd Well of Youth Well of Youth we...
1.meaning or intending well; having good intentions:a well-meaning but tactless person. 2.Also,well′-meant′.proceeding from good intentions:well-meaning words. [1350–1400] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random...