If you are using the well only to water your lawn then you want to make sure that there is no connection between the water pressure tank Outlet line and the building Plumbing supply. Otherwise there's a risk that you cross contaminate your Municipal Water Supply with well water up unknown ...
Water-using appliances, from dishwashers to water heaters, rely on adequate water flow. Low pressure forces them to work harder, leading to higher utility bills. Iron slime on delicate parts is corrosive, causing premature breakdowns. Replacing an electric water heater can cost more than $1000!
The review will typically include the entire water system. Inspectors will examine the pump, pressure tank, wellhead, and well casing. A thorough examination of the well equipment should be done, including the seals and gaskets. Whether buying or selling a home, there are always questions regardi...
The pressure in the tank is what moves the water through the household plumbing system. When the pressure reaches a preset level, which can be anywhere from 40 to 60 psi, a switch stops the pump. As water is used in the home, pressure begins to decrease until, after a drop of about...
A well water system requires an open source of water coming from the water main, proper pressure readings in the control system, and an adequate amount of air in the well’s pressure tank. To diagnose problems with pressure, you’ll need to drain the system, measure the pressure in the ...
The second step in getting ready for well water softener installation is to make sure that there isn’t too much pressure on your plumbing system. You’ll want to install a pressure-reducing valve if more than 10 PSI of pressure is being used in your home. You should also turn off all...