I loved Marisa. She’s a strong female lead. Marisa is strong, yet sensitive. Confident, yet self-conscious. She is ‘every woman’. A very relateable character. My favorite scene was when Marisa was spying on Marco and “Edible” from the newsstand. 🙂 Overall, I enjoyed reading this...
Little is known about the characteristics of lesbian, gay men, bisexual and transgender individuals in Chile and the impact of stigma and discrimination on their happiness and social well-being. Against this background this study has three aims: to descr
At the same time, these policies promote the spread of role models for female leadership and influential offices in politics to advance women's empowerment. Authors statement This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors....
CASQ1 is a protein that has been known since its discovery 50 years ago in rabbit skeletal muscle (1971)15,44. The cDNA of CASQ1 was cloned from fast-twitch skeletal muscle from rabbits45, and the cDNA of the cardiac isoform of CASQ (CASQ2) was cloned from the heart and slow-twitch...
In addition to its well-known methodological rigor, the ESS is useful since it provides measures of labor-market status and characteristics, as well as several questions about life satisfaction as part of its core questionnaire. Moreover, for the rounds considered, the ESS included measures of ...
Respondents were asked about: their country of residence, gender (male, female, transgender), age, self-reported well-being, presence of a lifetime diagnosis of a mental illness and current problematic alcohol consumption. Self-reported well-being was measured using the Personal Wellbeing Index20,...
There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know....
Of the n = 1125 who reported male sex at birth, n = 4 (0.36%) identified as female or trans female. A further n = 29 (2.5%) reported their gender identity as non-binary or other. Among the 18.0% (n = 257) who were excluded, 86.8% (n = 223) were removed because they did ...
Gender and sexual minority adolescents experience greater symptoms of psychological distress than their peers, but little is known about broader aspects of their wellbeing. This study examines wellbeing inequalities relating to gender and sexual identity
However, it is relatively less known in the literature as to the types of worry people might regard to the disease in places where the COVID-19 incidence and mortality rates are kept at a relatively low level. In some places, the relatively low incidence comes at a price of stringent or...