Santayana is popularly known for aphorisms, such as "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", "Only the dead have seen the end of war", and the definition of beauty as "pleasure objectified". Although an atheist, he treasured the Spanish Catholic values, practices, ...
If you are angry at yourself because you did not “improve” sufficiently in the past — watch out for this kind of thinking. People in your culture are very obsessed with icons of “success”: billionaires, athletic champions, celebrities, and so on. Famous people are held in the highest ...
The first to notice what became known as Grimm's law, Schlegel was a pioneer in Indo-European studies, comparative linguistics, and morphological typology. As a young man he was an atheist, a radical, and an individualist. In 1808, the same Schlegel converted to Catholicism. Two years later...
Dig Deeper 35 Celebrities Who Were in Phi Delta Theta And Deeper Famous Groundlings Members and Alumni Thomas Mellon Thomas Alexander Mellon (February 3, 1813 – February 3, 1908) was an American entrepreneur, lawyer, and judge, best known as the founder of Mellon Bank and patriarch of the...
From reputable, prominent, and well known martyrs to the lesser known martyrs of today, these are some of the best professionals in the martyr field. If you want to answer the questions, "Who are the most famous martyrs ever?" and "What are the names of famous martyrs?" then you're ...