Well Go USA Entertainment is a theatrical and home entertainment distribution label that specializes in bringing the best in Action, Genre and Independent films from the US and around the world, to
SXSW Thriller ‘Monolith,’ With Lily Sullivan, Boarded by Well Go USA (EXCLUSIVE) Film 3 years Well Go USA Nabs North American Rights to Russian War Thriller ‘Infiltration’ (EXCLUSIVE) Film 3 years Well Go USA Buys North American Rights to Russian Thriller ‘Row 19’ (EXCLUSIVE) ...
Well Go USA Entertainment is a theatrical and home entertainment distribution label that specializes in bringing the best in Action, Genre and Independent films from the US and around the world, to
WellGo北美电影发行 11月21日 16:37 来自微博视频号 置顶 #电影误判北美定档#|甄子丹携豪华阵容震撼来袭!电影《误判》(The Prosecutor)讲述了一场由错案引发的命运漩涡:甄子丹饰演一位被命运推向绝境的律师,为了真相与正义不惜代价,与隐藏在权力背后的阴谋展开对抗。影片由甄子丹领衔主演,张智霖、许冠文、吴镇宇、...
在这些突破背后,推动《哪吒》在北美不断“破圈层”的是北美发行公司“Well Go USA”。 Well Go USA 是一个跨越多平台的北美电影公司,除了电影发行外还包括了电影制作、电影版权发行。 目前,Well Go USA 致力于将优质亚洲电影输送到北美、欧洲等地区。该公司在最初的时候,更多集中的中国功夫片、武侠片、动作片等...
About Well Go USA Well Go USA Entertainment is an Oscar®-nominated theatrical and home entertainment distribution label that specializes in bringing the best in action, genre, and independent films from the U.S. and around the world to North America. ...
About Well Go USA Well Go USA Entertainment is an Oscar®-nominated theatrical and home entertainment distribution label that specializes in bringing the best in action, genre, and independent films from the U.S. and around the world to North America. ...
在这些突破背后,推动《哪吒》在北美不断“破圈层”的是北美发行公司“Well Go USA”。 Well Go USA 是一个跨越多平台的北美电影公司,除了电影发行外还包括了电影制作、电影版权发行。 目前,Well Go USA 致力于将优质亚洲电影输送到北美、欧洲等地区。该公司在最初的时候,更多集中的中国功夫片、武侠片、动作片等...
Well Go USA Acquires Filipino Thriller ‘On The Job’ Ahead of Its Cannes Premiere Well Go USA Acquires Filipino Thriller 'On The Job' Ahead of Its Cannes Premiere By Clint Holloway May 24, 2013 2:45 pm News Well Go USA Picks Up Korean Thriller ‘New World’ Out of Berlin Well Go USA...
Well Go USA 是一个跨越多平台的北美电影公司,除了电影发行外还包括了电影制作、电影版权发行。 目前,Well Go USA 致力于将优质亚洲电影输送到北美、欧洲等地区。该公司在最初的时候,更多集中的中国功夫片、武侠片、动作片等娱乐商业片的推广,而在近年,也开始将不同类型题材的优质亚洲电影推送到北美,例如《刺客聂...