Close child windows when we closed parent window. close the current browser tab on button click Close the current open window using c# Close the Jquery popup from code behind using data-dismiss attributes Close window after downloading file Close Window that opens with window.showModalDia...
s = (m1.child as ModuleExam4).getModTitle(); } ModuleExam4.mxml public function getModTitle():String { return “Child Module 1”; } 说明: (m1.child as ModuleExam4).getModTitle(),表示将m1中的属性child对应的对象强制转换为ModuleExam4类,再调用这个对象的方法。 代码详见:ModuleLoaderExam4....
Hannah:Yeah. I feel like it’s really time-consuming. Like it’s really nice when you do it, but it’s like, oooh I could paint, or I could get like an extra 5% on my economics exam. While Hannah felt unable to justify spending her time on activities like painting that helped her...