(2020). Intuitively, for a position oblivious mechanism, the utility of an agent depends only on the lengths of the pieces desired by various subsets of agents and not on the positions of these pieces. It follows directly from the definition that the leximin solution is position oblivious....
The debate between these two positions has focused on an argument against experientialism—the experience machine objection—but few arguments exist for it. I present an argument for experientialism. It builds on the claim that theories of wellbeing should not only state what constitutes wellbeing,...
•ThreebackbonesofAmericansocialwelfare:•1.socialsecurity•2.basicservice•3.minimumprovision (OASDHI)Discussion:Doyouknowwhatisadisability?Peoplewithadisabilitymayinclude:peoplewhoareblindorpartiallysightedpeoplewithlearningorintellectualdisabilitiespeoplewhoaredeaforhearingimpairedpeoplewithaphysicaldisability...
HSUS stated it opposes shelters breeding animals and supports large scale spay/neuter, but its specific positions are more ambiguous. For example, HSUS supports providing “wellness care” to breeder animals. Additionally, HSUS left the door open for shelter breeding in the future by stating we sh...
and aristocrats to serve as "volunteers" and spokesmen. It places its officers and supporters in prominent positions with international organizations. Its president, Dr. Fred Sai, served as senior population adviser at the World Bank during the 1980s and as chairman of the UN conference on popula...
If the jobs are indeed truly additional positions, then there is the expense of the wages. And, if the wages are low, they tend to bring down the salaries of others who work at similar jobs. --Job training, especially for those skills most needed in the workplace, is a good ...
(EU) – state support in the current climate is unreliable. With precarious positions in the labour market as low-skilled, often casual workers, economic protections tied to the market may be seen as somewhat ephemeral. This chapter demonstrates that for Timorese migrants in the UK, family is ...
However, if gatekeepers are well-known and/or hold positions of power within the same ethnocultural group, then participants’ responses may be impacted (Edwards 1998; Murray and Wynne 2001). Therefore, a range of gatekeepers in each sampling site were engaged in order to minimize the potential...
Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient [17] was used to measure the inter-rater reliability regarding the 180 papers assessment. In this case, values next to +1 (−1) represent near-perfect concordance (discordance), whereas zero denotes the complete inter-rater reliability absence. ...
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