Mr. Ikramuddin, during an inspection of the first brand, “WELDKIT,” in the 1990’s. Mr. Ikramuddin, at the time of the inauguration, with his colleagues. 1993 KOTA ELECTRODES started its first production machine. Mr. Ikramuddin starting the wet mixer, as he always says, “To achieve...
Geometry and Microstructures of Differentiated Stylolites in the Lower Vindhyan Limestones, SE Rajasthan, and their Implications for Stylolity Genesis Stylolites are the product of pressure solution mechanism that plays an important role during diagenesis and lithification of sedimentary rocks. There are...
This study explores the development and application of machine learning (ML) metamodels for the thermo-mechanical analysis of Friction Stir Welding (FSW). The main objective is to address the challenge of accurately predicting the thermo-mechanical behaviour of materials in FSW processes. Using ...