When I weld with aluminum bronze, I usually use AC current and just flow the metal forward with minimal heat. I do melt the base metal some too. But ac current helps me to minimize that. When I use ac I set my ac balance to max penetration on a syncrowave 250 or if using an inve...
courses for trade test for working adults on electrical work, welding and air-conditioning, as well as vocational development [...] legco.gov.hk 職訓局關心少 數族裔人士的需要,致力為他們開辦特別課程,包括適合中三及中五離校生 修讀的商業、酒店及旅遊、餐飲服務的全日制證書/文憑課程;適合高中學...
courses for trade test for working adults on electrical work, welding and air-conditioning, as well as vocational development [...] legco.gov.hk 職訓局關心少 數族裔人士的需要,致力為他們開辦特別課程,包括適合中三及中五離校生 修讀的商業、酒店及旅遊、餐飲服務的全日制證書/文憑課程;適合高中學...
He has around 27 years of experience in teaching various undergraduate and postgraduate mechanical engineering courses. He authored two books namely Engineering Mechanics and Engineering Graphics which are published by Oxford Univerity Press, India. He has done extensive research in the areas of ...