Whether you need welding services for your business, or you're looking for welding classes, contact Welding Nevada in Las Vegas, NV! (702) 644-9300
4695 W Nevso Dr Ste 10 Las Vegas, NV 89103 +1 (702) 251-8230 http://epivegasiron.com At EPI Welding, we provide quality commercial and residential iron & fabrication work from spec driven commercial projects to full blown custom fabrication work. We are fully-licensed and insured to prov...
GradCam images of the three classes of the classification model. In our study, in contrast to the three discussed above, we are not interested in the input parameters, but rather the end outcome of welding. The weld seam is used to determine whether the UTS is of low, moderate, or hig...
(Lack or Slag). For the LoS, 236 defects are included in the dataset. After learning, there are two classes classified by the algorithm, that is, the porosity and LoS. The dataset is composed of radiographic testing images taken differently depending on the steel plate, pipe, and pipe ...