WIS5 Welding Symbols
For these symbols, the arrow connects the welding symbol reference line to the outer surface of one part of the joint at the center line of the desired weld. The part to which the arrow points is considered the arrow side. The other part of the joint shall be considered the other side....
Welding symbols have an Arrow side and an Other side. The Reference line divides the symbol into the Arrow Side and the Other Side. In AWS, the Arrow Side is always on the bottom of the Reference line. In ISO, the Arrow Side is identified by a dotted line as shown in the image ...
Arrow SideOther SideL - PS (E) (BOTH SIDES)(ARROW SIDE) (OTHER(N)Number of Spot, Seam, Stud,Plug, Slot, or Projection WeldsSpecification,Process, or OtherReferenceTail (May Be OmittedWhen Reference is Not Used)Depth of Bevel; Size orStrength of Certain WeldsGroove Weld SizeContour ...
ARROWSIDE OTHERSIDE Work FilletWeld(ArrowSideOnly) FilletWeld(Bothsides) WeldingTechniques Therearemanydifferentmethodsofwelding.Thedifferencebetweenthemisoutlinedbytwoimportantfeatures Thewaythemetalisheated Thewayadditionalfillermetalifanyisfedintotheweld TypesofWelding ElectricArcWelding GasWelding ResistanceWelding...
CONSTITUTION:Groove parts 1a and 2a of pipes 1 and 2 are abutted on each other and the water-cooled copper packing 5 supported by an arm 6 is pressed against the inner diameter part of the groove parts 1a and 2a. In this state, while the pipes 1 and 2 being rotated in the arrow ...
arrow side When the weld symbol sits above the reference line, it indicates that the weld must be performed on the ___ ___ of the joint. other side The size of the weld is specified to the left of the weld symbol. true or false...
As you can see in image A below the symbol for the weld is on the underside of the reference line. When the weld symbol is on the underside of the line it is called the 'arrow side'. In image B you can see that the symbol for the weld is on the top side of the reference line...
Ability to specify supplementary symbols and related data, separately for the arrow side and other side. Ability to place the all around symbol and the field weld symbol at the junction of the arrow (leader) and reference line. Ability to stagger intermittent fillet welds (and ANSI edge wel...
the weld-all-around symbol is indicated by a___at the junction of the reference line and arrow circle information that appears to the right of the weld symbol refers to the length of weld slot weld is a weld produced by filling an elongated hole in an overlapping member and attaching it ...