The brigade team delivered a heartfelt recitation of the poem 'Youths' China' to the new team members, exemplifying the spirit of the Young Pioneers.大队委员代表发言Spokesperson of the brigade来自P5C的蔡子欢同学作为大队委...
Unit 3Know the subject form and the object form of personal pronouns.Distinguish the singular and plural form of the personal pronouns.Talk about the school life by using the correct pronouns.Share our school lives to our friends and family.Let’s listen to a song.What are these words?I yo...
One of the core utilities within the function of PTE is staking for yield. Yield farming is the ability to put assets to work in order to generate returns on those assets. The Peet Platform optimizes strategies to maximize return on yield farming opportunities across multiple blockchains, makin...
As you can see in the meme, that entertaining matchup of shooting styles reminded me of portfolio approaches. So following in the Olympic spirit, I decided to fire up my spreadsheets and hold a competition of sorts to see how each portfolio ranks in one of 8 different events. If you’ve ...
Thank you Toontown Rewritten Team. Slate Blue Cat said on July 27, 2017 at 6:49 AM I wont be able to make it but I hope everyone has a great time tomorrow! I will definitely tune into the live stream if I have time. The new website looks amazing! Thanks for all the work you ...
If you were impacted by today's Tesla Supercharging team layoffs, or have information to share, contact the author at from a safe, non-work device. We are happy to speak anonymously and securely. As many supporters rally behind Tesla's layoffs and doubling down...
Welcome to my perfectly imperfect family…Featured …finish strong Back in March I texted Alex’s high school softball coach to let her know Alex’s college team would be playing close to home at the end of the month. On the day of the game, as Alex and her Bloomsburg Husky teammates...
chosen, the one girl in all the world with the power to stand against the vampires, demons, and forces of darkness. When Willow used the scythe to call up all the potential slayers at once, it changed everything. For years, the slayers have been working and fighting together as a team...
fun: Google image search, gif lookups, meme generation Features that make Yetibot powerful and great, which is to say fun: Unix-style pipes allow tremendous expressiveness in chaining together complex and flexible commands. Sub-expressions let you embed the output of one command into an outer co...
“Seán defied the odds and was always smiling through it all,” she said. There was a rapturous response as Team Ireland entered the hall, and the athletes were eager to celebrate the achievements of all their colleagues. Timothy Morahan, of Rathmines, Co Dublin, who took home silve...