We are a Christian community within the Church of England and we seek to follow Christ as we live out our lives in the world, and in particular in the Parish of Abbots Leigh with Leigh Woods
Otterburns were heavy rugs which kept people warm when travelling on stage coaches and trains and were once given as accessories with Rolls Royce cars. Otterburn tweeds were worn by members of the Royal family for their hunting, shooting and fishing clothing. On the birth of the Princess Elizab...
Military families understand we don’t have much time at any given place – the average active duty military family still moves every three to five years. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, military families were still being moved around the world. Since we know we don’t have much ...
Gary "Stitch" Guillory Sheriff Download the CPSO App today to Stay Connected! The Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office is an equal opportunity employer. Search This Site Action Center
Welcome to Saint John The Baptist Orthodox Church. We are a parish of the Orthodox Christian Faith which was established on the day of Holy Pentecost in the Year 33 AD. Our parish community is a member of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. whose presiding bishop...
Maintenance We are part of the Diocese of Toledo led by the Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas & the Junipero Serra deanery. Our pastor, the Reverend David M. Ross is one of the College of Consultors to the Bishop. Online Mass Link Here...
Welcome to the Rapides Parish Extension Office
Welcome to Brampton The manor and parish of Brampton was clearly prosperous in it’s own quiet way for many centuries and there are extensive documentary and ...
Welcome to the southeast shore of Lake Michigan! Perhaps you are investigating Notre Dame Catholic School for your children, or looking for a Catholic parish near your Indiana Dunes or Michigan vacation destination. Many are looking to our community as a safe area to raise their children within ...
https://youtu.be/kA3AVTD3mNI Use the Right Service aims to help people access the correct NHS services. Throughout this website, you can find information ab ...