Cleared with help of Super Guide (referring to Hard Mode). 300 M Coins and >90 trophies in Normal File:Logo NSMB.png 100% completed (3 file stars), also I may think about doing a mini speedrun of it (like just W1) File:Super Mario 64 DS logo.png Over 100 Stars out of 150,...
Up to this point, this game has had no need for randomization, and I actually don’t want it for the level designs. I want them repeatable, to better facilltate muscle memory and speedruns. However, I do want to randomize the poses, so I needed something to help me generate randomness...
The main purpose of this modification is to create a port version of Half-Life: Opposing Force. Which means that the whole game will be ported over to the Source Engine. I will port all sounds, models, effects, materials etc. And configure them to work..
39 Best Minecraft YouTubers: From Build Guides to Speedruns Minecraft is the most purchased, and most watched, game of all time, and for Review The Best Gaming Monitor [14 Reviewed] Even if you have a killer gaming PC with the best possible graphics card and Editorials Uncover Th...
Hardcore is speedrun-inspired, in that avoiding death is of the utmost importance. It’s not quite a pure speedrun mode, since collecting gold still contributes to your score — the level design in N++ is such that we didn’t want to ignore gold or else all our existing levels would be...
–replaced “speedruns” with “highscores” in the help section to be more consistent with language elsewhere –new searches don’t reset to page 1 –the fps meter and debug fields block mouse events –the bottom pane on the favourites page is shown even when no level is selected, leading...
狗勾也能SpeedRun!可愛柴犬將參加「AGDQ 2024」遊戲速通大賽 383.18MB查看 劇場版《銀魂 THE FINAL》特典是空知畫的《鬼滅之刃》小卡 671.59MB查看 掌上紳士平台新去處,JG GAMES開張各國風格妹子任你挑 658.53MB查看 《艾尔登法环》风暴足获取方法 268.65MB查看 《勇者鬥惡龍X 覺醒的五種族 OFFLINE》宣佈即將推出...
【更新】飛雷神瞬移《艾爾登法環》SpeedRun只需8分鐘通關為王 15.26MB查看 你的星球你做主 手游《宏观世界》登iOS平台 15.26MB查看 Steam殭屍生存名作《7 Days to Die》1.0今夏6月實裝,售價調漲前祭出最後特價 15.26MB查看 《黃金神威》真人電影版製作確定!但日本粉絲們不太滿意😰 15.26MB查看 1 女神异闻录夜...
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