On June 12, 2024, while my flight was delayed, I suggested Mr. Chen (a Chinese poet) who was waiting to pick me up at the other airport to write poems for each other. We were glad that we wrote ten fine poems. Here is the link for these poems in Chinese. (机场对诗) Here are...
The final poem is a welcome reminder of where this love for cooking started, “Apron Strings”, where the chef is a child helping his mother bake, ends, “Then the best part, the bowl crooked out of reach,a finger dipped in the mix and brought to her lips. The wails and flailing, ...
everything starts barreling out of control. Special Agent Nolen Shea is sent to the area to investigate, and to find out what is going on, and who this lady is. This starts an unexpected journey following
"Celebration of Food Poem," poem, IBBETSON STREET #54, December, 2023 "From the Horse's Mouth," poem, THE ARTS FUSE, November 30, 2023 (https://artsfuse.org ). "Funky Robot," poem, WOVEN TALE PRESS,Vol. XI, #5, October 1, 2023 (https://www.thewoventalepress.net/ ). "Pratfa...
It’s time to Break It Down! There’s no easy way to frame this, so I might as well just rip off the band-aid. Forget the Constitution, never mind history, legacy, and tradition. We are entering a new frontier. The Founding Fathers would be apologetic. The great experiment is borde...
The poems in Leslie Harrison’sThe Book of Endingstest for themselves Wallace Stevens’ assertion, “There is no wing like meaning.” Each poem takes up the challenge “to attempt meaning” in a world marked by loss, “to unfold the dead hawk’s wing and ask it about flight.” The read...
Clickhereto listen to A. M. Smith reading a poem from this book. Available inprintand onKindle "Have you ever met someone whose words had wings? I don't mean the imaginary kind that kind of make you think they can fly. I am talking about actual wings that make words soar and ...
Im also very excited to be part of shows with Astoria Visual Arts and Art at the Cave: Posted onMarch 14, 2023 A Widening Gyre A Widening Gyre, 2021 The title of this piece is taken from the opening lines of a W.B. Yeats poem; describing in apocalyptic terms the spiraling out of ...