Jesus' sayings. If everyone followed this rule and treated other people in the way they'd want to be treated themselves, the world would be a very different- and a much better- place. XA0;And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. What is the Gospel...
#18 - What Is The True Gospel? #19 - What and Why the Church? #20 - In Training For RULERSHIP #21 - Is This The Only Day of Salvation? #22 - What Is God's Purpose for Mankind? #23 - Why Christians Should Keep God's Holy Days? #24 - The Plain Truth About GOD'S HOLY ...
Welcome to a site devoted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s my desire that the Lord would use these pages toproclaimHis Gospel, toinvitepeople to put their trust in Him, to build HisEkklesia, and towarnof false gospels, false messiahs, and counterfeit religious systems. ...
Therefore God has Raised This Ministry. 1. To proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and encourage them to identify with the body through the local assembly. 2. To make disciples by the teaching of the Word, nurturing of the believer and training for the work of Ministry. 3. ...
There has never been a more opportune time to share the gospel with others. People are hungry to know more about God right now. Let’s not waste the present opportunity. Talk with your neighbors and co-workers about how much God loves us, and has made a way for us to be forgiven. ...
When this was done there was still room for more. “Then the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. For I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper.’” In this...
“I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Spend time in the Lord’s Presence and place all family members, and every situation into His Sacred Heart, asking the Lord to “Lift every area of your life in Him.” Spend time here in His Presence. Do this often, now and ...
We put a lot of effort into making a fun place to work for people who like getting things done. So if you're game with this then enter your email address and be a part of the global team. Latest Welcome to Tasks...
The patriots who sought refuge in Valley Forge while fighting to create this great nation deserve more than one day a year. The 23,000 men who had their lives and bodies shattered at Antietam deserve more than one day a year. The doughboys who followed General Black Jack Pershing into ...
Join us as we pray together for those on our prayer list. Do you have something you'd like us to pray for? Submit a prayer request. Prayer Wall Prayer Request Get The App This is the best way to stay connected and get the latest content. ...