A welcomer bot for discord written in discord.js v13 very simple to use with code and deployment instructions, contains customizable background and channels per guild. - ZeroDiscord/Welcomer
Welcome to the repo for HellCom Discord bot! This bot is intended to be a helper/utility for Helldivers's community. Democracy! - helldivers-2/discord-bot
Oh, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time! I have many fond memories of Bot-Depot but one immediately jumped to mind which I'll write about below. For some context for others: Bot-Depot was a forum site about chatbots that was most active somewhere in the range of the ye...
Welcome to the repository for my Discord bot project! This bot is built using Node.js and Discord.js, and it features a variety of commands and functionalities designed to enhance server interactions and management. - S-SamarthBhatt-B/Discord-Bot
Make your own repo and depend on Yetibot: this gives you ultimate customizability, allowing you to depend on custom Yetibot plugins or define your own commands in-project, and gives you control over where you store your config (manual management, commit to private git repo, etc...) ...
Exmaple Bot for discord-welcome-card package in discord.js V13 Setup .env file TOKEN=YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN Create Custom Cards const { MessageAttachment } = require('discord.js') const image = await drawCard({ avatar: msg.user.avatarURL({ format: 'png' }), blur: true, rounded: tru...
https://clembot.io Intro A Discord bot for server and community management with a focus on school/programming/fun related commands. Moderation: Moderation and Moderation logging is made easy with ClemBot, Banning, Muting and Warning are all supported and easy to use Role Management: Easily manag...
Hatysa (/hɑːˈtiːsə/) is a Discord bot that implements a few fun commands. Usage Discord Bot Install the bot from crates.io: $ cargo install hatysa To run the bot, you'll need to provide a Discord token (obtainable from the Discord Developer Portal), as follows: $ DISCO...
https://github.com/gogo9211/Discord-Overlay-Hook [DX11] https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/commit/923bd2fd217c1dc1e75fa92b0284d3817904988b [DX11/12 ResizeBuffers] https://github.com/marlkiller/d3dhook_imgui [d3d opengl hook imgui x86/x64] Universal graphical hook for a D3D9-D3D12, Open...
Yetibot You can think of Yetibot as a communal command line. It excels at: teaching: how to run internal automation, language evaluation for JS, Scala, Clojure, and Haskell productivity: automating things around Jenkins, JIRA, running SSH commands on various servers, and interacting with intern...