Welch Allyn Connex ProBP 2400 Digital Blood Pressure Device 2400 11 out of 5 Stars. 1 reviews Welch Allyn Aneroid Sphygmomanometer Unit DuraShock 1-Tube Pocket Aneroid Adult Size 11 Cuff - DS44-11 $4999 current price $49.99 Welch Allyn Aneroid Sphygmomanometer Unit DuraShock 1-Tube Pocket...
型号: ProBP3400 属性: 有屏幕 有线传输 不带语音播报 锂电池 臂式 在线咨询 获取报价商品介绍 商品参数 检测: 无创血压和脉率 存储: 存储50组测量结果 袖带压力范围: 0 ~ 300 mmHg 收缩压范围: 60 ~ 250 mmHg 舒张压范围: 30 ~ 160 mmHg 血压精确度: ± 3 mmHg 脉率范围: 35 ~ 199 bpm 重量: ...
Welch Allyn How do you want your items? Sacramento, 95829 •Sacramento Supercenter Add address Sacramento, 95829 •Sacramento Supercenter 1 2 3
伟伦WelchAllyn血压计是一种用于测量患者血压的医疗设备。它具有精准、可靠、方便携带等特点,被广泛应用于医院、诊所、家庭等场所。 伟伦WelchAllyn血压计通常由血压计主机、袖带和听诊器等组成。主机是测量血压值的核心部件,通过充气、放气等操作完成测量过程。袖带用于包裹在患者的上臂上,起到传递压力的作用。听诊器用于...
SureBP technology, is a blood pressure averaging algorithm that allows the device to capture blood pressure readings on cuff inflation in a comfortable way for patients. The ProBP 2000 device is compatible with a wide range of Welch Allyn FlexiPort Reusable Blood Pressure Cuffs. Blood pressure ...
CONNEX VSM 6400 (6700)6500 (6800)Parameters SureBP NIBP 88 SureTemp Plus Thermometry Y Y Braun PRO 4000 Ear Thermometry Y Y Masimo/Nellcor SpO 2Y Y EarlySense Contact-Free Motion O O Covidien Microstream EtCO 2O O Masimo RRa O O Masimo SpHb O O Communications 5 USB Ports 88Ethernet...
S2-6000-2 Connex VSM 6000 Biomed Partnership Program, 2-year agreementFor more information about the Connex Vital Signs Monitor, please contact your local Welch Allyn representative, call 1.800.535.6663 to speak with a customer service representative, or visit www.welchallyn.com....
电子血压计是一种用于测量血压的医疗设备,其中的Welch Allyn Non-invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) Device是其中一种常见的型号。这种电子血压计具有许多特点,使其在医疗领域得到广泛应用。 Welch Allyn Non-invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) Device采用非侵入式技术,通过袖带在患者的上臂上测量血压,无需穿刺皮肤,减少了...
摘要: The article offers brief information on Connex(r) Vital Signs Monitor 6000 Series and ProBP(tm) 3400 Digital Blood Pressure Device from Welch Allyn Inc., which it will show at the 2011 World of Health IT Congress (WoHIT) to be held in Budapest, Hungary in May 2011.年份: 2011 ...