For Windows and macOS, this typically involves running an installer. Linux users can install this software through a package manager or by downloading and unpacking the tar.gz file. Setup: Once installed, launch the app, and you’ll be greeted with the main interface. No additional setup is ...
1、进入官网: Data Mining with Open Source Machine Learning Software in 2、在Getting started中点击Download,选择合适的版本下载即可(一般win10的电脑选择最新版64位进行下载就好,苹果电脑选择mac系统)。我选择的是windows 64位 weka-3-8-5版本。 但是官网下载较慢,推...
一、安装Weka 1、进入官网 。 2、在Getting started中点击Download,再选择合适的版本下载即可。我选择的是Windows 64bit without JVM的版本。 3、安装Weka。 4、进入安装目录,将data文件夹复制粘贴至方便使用的目录下。 这里我将其复制到了“文档”... ...
第五步:下一步是选择安装路径,根据自己计算机的硬盘空间来进行选择,我一般喜欢专业点,不安装在C盘,而选择安装在D:\SoftWare(这是我所有的软件全部都安装在这里。) 第六步:接下来就是选择开始菜单文件夹名称,这里我是,Weka 3.7.8,没有特殊要求则不必更改,单击Install按钮来开始安装。 安装成功! 安装完成后,最好...
jre-8u271-windows-x64.exe win10 jdk8 *64 上传者:qq_31653405时间:2020-11-18 weka-3-9-1jre-x64.exe WEKA的全名是怀卡托智能分析环境(Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis),同时weka也是新西兰的一种鸟名,而WEKA的主要开发者来自新西兰。WEKA作为一个公开的数据挖掘工作平台,集合了大量能承担数据挖...
weka for mac 3.8.2-算法与数据结构工具类资源替代**tu 上传118.4 MB 文件格式 dmg weka Weka for mac 3.8.2 Weka 3: Data Mining Software in Java点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:3 积分 电信网络下载 Data Center Driver for Ubuntu 24.04 语言: Arabic - Saudi Arabia 版本: 550.1270 ...
Available on Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP (32/64 bit) 100% Clean - Scanned by 60+ AntiVirus Products on -Click to see the Report Portable ZIP Version (9.29MB) WekApps PDF Merge & Split Pro » Key Features
上传者:u010293844时间:2015-11-22 weka-3-7-9jre-x64 Data Mining Software in Java 上传者:juan_763134767时间:2013-05-07 weka-3-7-12-x64.exe weka-3-7-12-x64.exe 上传者:u010968153时间:2015-05-14 jre-8u271-windows-x64.exe
This Weka tutorial explains what is Weka Machine Learning tool, its features, GUI, how to download, install, and use Weka Machine Learning Software
Weka LibSVM (WLSVM): Integrating LibSVM into Weka Environment Weka and LibSVM are two efficient software tools for building SVM classifiers. Each one of these two tools has its points of strength and weakness. Weka has a GUI and produces many useful stat