Data Mining with Open Source Machine Learning Software in 2、在Getting started中点击Download,选择合适的版本下载即可(一般win10的电脑选择最新版64位进行下载就好,苹果电脑选择mac系统)。我选择的是windows 64位 weka-3-8-5版本。 但是官网下载较慢,推荐另一个网站:...
Weka 的全名是怀卡托智能分析环境(Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis),是一款免费的、非商业化(与之对应的是SPSS公司商业数据挖掘产品--Clementine )的,基于JAVA环境下开源的机器学习(machine learning)以及数据挖掘(data mining)软件。它和它的源代码可在其官方网站下载。有趣的是,该软件的缩写WEKA也是新西兰...
Cite this chapter Frank, al.(2009). Weka-A Machine Learning Workbench for Data Mining. In: Maimon, O., Rokach, L. (eds) Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook. Springer, Boston, MA. Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps...
Weka机器学习工作平台是一个功能强大且易于使用的预测建模平台。 在这篇文章中,你将发现如何在你的工作站上快速安装Weka,并开始学习机器学习。 看完这篇文章后,你会知道: 如何为Windows或Mac安装一体化版本的Weka。 如何在Windows或Mac上单独安装Java和Weka。 如何在Linux和其他平台上安装Weka。 让我们开始吧。 图片...
The Weka workbench is an organized collection of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and data preprocessing tools. The basic way of interacting with these methods is by invoking them from the command line. However, convenient interactive graphical user interfaces are provided for data explora...
简介: Weka简单介绍与最新详细简单安装以及环境变量配置 一、Weka简单介绍 Weka的全名是怀卡托智能分析环境(Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis),是一款免费的,非商业化(与之对应的是SPSS公司商业数据挖掘产品–Clementine )的,基于JAVA环境下开源的机器学习(machine learning)以及数据挖掘(data mining)软件。它和...
Weka-a machine learning workbench for data mining.". Frank, Eibe,Mark Hall,Geoffrey Holmes,Richard Kirkby,Bernhard Pfahringer,Ian H. Witten,Len Trigg. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook .Eibe Frank, Mark Hall, Geoffrey Holmes, Richard Kirkby, Bernhard Pfahringer, Ian H. Witten, and ...
Download Overview Functions Version History Reviews(19) Discussions(33) Weka is a comprehensive open source Machine Learning toolkit, written in Java at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. These functions provide a basic Matlab interface to Weka allowing you to transfer data back and forth and...
Weka is tried and tested open source machine learning software that can be accessed through a graphical user interface, standard terminal applications, or a Java API. It is widely used for teaching, research, and industrial applications, contains a plethora of built-in tools for standard machine ... 我这里,就用(因为,我本地windows7下,已经安装好了jdk1.7了) 第一步:双击它 第二步:首先出现的是欢迎界面,如下如所示,单击Next安装进入下一步,即可。 第三步:随后出现的是GNU GPL协议,必须同意才能进行安装。单击I Agree按钮。