Weiyida Leather is the most impressive leather company I have worked with. They have the best and largest extensive leather collection. Customer service is phenomenal. It is my only leather go to now, and should be the main leather go to for everyone! It was a pleasure to work with such...
商标名称 WEIYIDA 国际分类 第14类-珠宝钟表 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 44563729 申请日期 2020-03-12 申请人名称(中文) 深圳市伟易达表业有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省深圳市宝安区西乡街道固戍社区宝安大道旁三围红湾工业区D幢五楼 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审...
Weiyida Leather is the most impressive leather company I have worked with. They have the best and largest extensive leather collection. Customer service is phenomenal. It is my only leather go to now, and should be the main leather go to for everyone! It was a pleasure to work with such...
100家门店数 加载中...申请加盟 主要产品:儿童玩具 公司名称:伟易达总部 成立时间:2007-01-01 加盟区域:全国 经营方式:区域,代理,自由代理 投资人群:自由创业,在岗投资,现有公司增项加盟介绍 加盟优势 加盟流程 加盟条件 加盟介绍 伟易达()贸易有限公司是伟易达集团附属公司,致力于将集团旗下享誉海外的“Vtech”品牌...
Shanxi Weiyida Electric Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. Shanxi Weiyidauses its technological and industrial advantages to manufacture electric vehicles that are premium and middle-end, smarter electric products. Now, we have electric golf carts, electric sightseeing cars, electric patrol cars, electric tr...
In the post-epidemic environment, the pursuit of comfort and high-quality life is the first choice of consumers, and practicality and durability have also become the key considerations; the 21/22 autumn and winter overall revolves around super soft and comfortable, high-gloss texture, micro-metall...
Weiyida (guangzhou) Leather Co., Ltd., leather, waterproof rubber fabric, pvc tape, pu,composite pu, pvc for shoes, bags, handbags, garments, Lineapelle It 2019
伟易达有限公司位于中国东莞常平镇大京九塑胶城, 伟易达有限公司是一家塑胶原料、工程塑料、通用塑料、特种塑料、再生塑料、改性料等产品的经销批发的有限责任公司。 伟易达有限公司经营的塑胶原料、工程塑料、通用塑料、特种塑料、再生塑料、改性料畅销消费者市场。 伟易达有限公司的产品在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与...